Amethyst Class 2024 - 2025

Miss Rochell - Gill

Year 4/5 Teacher
Maths and Geography Lead

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Welcome to Amethyst Class!

I'm delighted to welcome you back for another brand new academic year. This year is going to be jam-packed with lots of new, exciting learning experiences, a new classroom, new classmates and most importantly, lots of fun. I can't wait to welcome you in and hear about your amazing summer adventures!


Please note: this half term, our PE slots will be taking place on a MONDAY and TUESDAY. 

My PPA will be covered by Mrs Tomlinson on a Monday morning and she will teach PE, Maths and arithmetic

We are also very fortunate to be joined by Mr Richards. He will be working with small groups of you in our maths lessons across the week!  

You can follow our learning journey via our school twitter account @LittleLeighSch and our facebook page, where I will post updates and pictures.

If you need to discuss anything with me, please don't hesitate to contact me on my school email

Miss Rochell-Gill, Mrs Tomlinson & Mr Richards

This half term in History we will be answering the question...

'How does the Indus Valley civilisation compare to the Ancient Egyptians?'

Indus valley civilization road trip in Gujarat - The Harappan path

Within this unit of work we will continue to develop our historian skills and build upon prior knowledge learnt in previous years. 

Our study will include opportunities to:

  • Understand who the Indus Valley civilisation were and where they fit into our wider historical knowledge.
  • Explore how artefacts can tell us about life in the Indus Valley.
  • Compare and contrast features and information about the Indus Valley and the Ancient Egyptians and decide who was the most successful.


As Writers...

Our writing will focus around the incredible book 'Queen of the Falls' written by Chris Van Allsburg. 

Annie Edson Taylor - Wikipedia

This captivating tale is based upon the true story of Annie Taylor, the first woman to cross Niagara Falls in a barrel!

Annie Taylor, a short, plump and fussy sixty-two year old widow, runs a charm school, right by Niagara Falls. When this starts to fail, she resolves to find fame and fortune by being the first person ever to go over the thundering waters of Niagara Falls in a barrel.

As Readers...

Our Shared reading lessons this half term will focus on the inspiring book 'Rise Up: Ordinary Kids with Extraordinary stories' by Amanda Li.

rise up.jpg

The book features over 29 tales of amazing young girls and boys who have achieved the unimaginable – from surviving a plane crash in the jungle to striking against climate change. There are tales of triumphing over illness and injury, and of overcoming bullying. Entries include Greta Thunberg, Boyan Slat and Phiona Mutesi, to name a few.

As Mathematicians...

This half term we will focus on:

  • Place value up to six digits.
  • Written and mental methods of Addition.
  • Written and mental methods of Subtraction.
  • Arithmetic strategies.


During the week, all children take part in several whole class reading sessions. Within these sessions we read a variety of extracts, chapters from stories and often work on our inference skills using video clips and images. These sessions aim to develop inference skills, comprehension of texts and fluency/understanding of the texts we read. 

In KS2 we strongly encourage that children read three to four times a week. These sessions must be recorded with a short comment in their reading diary. Each week, children are able to earn five 'Home Reading' dojos which count towards a visit to our school reading shop. 




Homework is set every Friday and is expected to be completed by the following Thursday. Maths homework will be set on TTRockstars with Spelling tasks being sent home in Spelling homework books.

I will be checking reading diaries each Friday.

If you have any issues regarding the homework set then please contact me via my school email and I will do my best to help resolve the issue.

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Change For Life
Stonewall School champion
Green Tree School Gold Award
School Games Platinum Award: 2023-2025
Arts Council England: Artsmark Award
Youth Sports Trust: Silver Quality Mark-2013/2014
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Little Leigh Primary SchoolShutley Lane,
Little Leigh,

Contact Us

Mrs Rebecca Challinor | Head of School

01270 360035

School Office |

01270 360035


Little Leigh Primary School is proud to be part of the Create Learning Trust

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