Sapphire Class 2024 - 2025
Mrs Proctor
Key Stage 1 Lead, Year 2 Teacher
Personal Development, Behaviour and Science Lead
Welcome to Sapphire Class!
Happy New Year!
I will be with the class Monday - Thursday. Mrs Tomlinson will teach Year 2 on a Friday and will lead a 'curriculum day' for the children where they will be taught areas of the wider curriculum. This allows me to focus on the core subjects of Maths and English, as well as our enquiry theme.
For this half term, the children will have PE on a Tuesday and Friday. Please make sure that as the weather becomes cooler, the children are dressed appropriately as we will try and be outside as much as possible!
You are welcome to email me on If it is anything urgent regarding day to day problems, please contact Mrs Carthy in the school office who will be happy to help.
Mrs P
This half term we are answering the question...
Would you rather live in Chester or Little Leigh?
As geographers...
Children will be able to name and locate the four countries within the UK and the corresponding capital cities. They will locate London on a map and be able to identify the distance from Little Leigh and how the children might travel there – train, bus, car and plane. Identify the difference in time for each journey (Maths). Children will research and identify Chester’s human features, including main tourist attractions and buildings of historical nature (see below). Children will make reference to the knowledge in the previous unit. Following this, children will look at the land use in Little Leigh. Children will be able to compare Chester to Little Leigh and form an opinion on where they would prefer to live and why.
As writers...
This text is the perfect introduction to the legendary world of dragons, The Dragon Machine uses a clever mix of text and illustrations to describe how George, a young, overlooked boy, becomes aware of dragons hiding all around him.
But when it becomes apparent that they don't belong in George's ordinary world, he endeavours to do the best for his new friends and find them the home they deserve.
This enchanting story deals with issues around self-acceptance and feeling left out. After George has led the dragons out of the city, he realises that he is loved and missed by the world he left behind. This text could lead to further investigations of dragons, using the book Dragonology which also uses the talents of Helen Ward and Wayne Anderson amongst others – both are multi-award-winning. An exciting narrative that will have children wanting to learn all they can about mythical creatures. We will be using this text to create our own adventure stories, as well as character and setting descriptions!
As readers...
We will be using The Dragonsitter to focus on the following reading mastery keys:
* Discuss favourite words and phrases
* Answer and ask questions
* Discuss the sequence of events in books
* Make inferences on the basis of what is being said and done
As scientists...
In Year 2, the children will be achieving the following objectives:
- identify and compare the suitability of every day materials including wood, plastic, glass, brick, rock, paper and cardboard for particular uses.
- Find out how the shapes of solid objects made from some materials can be changed by squashing, bending, twisting and stretching.
As mathematicians..

Children will be taught to:
solve problems with addition and subtraction:
use concrete objects and pictorial representations, including those involving numbers, quantities and measures
apply their increasing knowledge of mental and written methods
recall and use addition and subtraction facts to 20 fluently, and derive and use related facts up to 100
add and subtract numbers using concrete objects, pictorial representations, and mentally, including; a two-digit number and ones, a two-digit number and tens, two two-digit numbers, three one-digit numbers
show that addition of two numbers can be done in any order (commutative) and subtraction of one number from another cannot
recognise and use the inverse relationship between addition and subtraction and use this to check calculations and solve missing number problems.