Year 2 2023 - 2024

Mrs Proctor

Assistant Headteacher, Year 2 Teacher
Personal Development, Behaviour and Science Lead

 Welcome to Year 2!


Welcome to the start of our final term in Year 2!

I will be with the class Monday - Thursday. Mrs Tomlinson will teach Year 2 on a Friday and will lead a 'curriculum day' for the children where they will be taught areas of the wider curriculum. This allows me to focus on the core subjects of Maths and English, as well as our enquiry theme.  

For this half term, the children will have PE on a Thursday and Friday. Please make sure that as the weather becomes warmer, the children are dressed appropriately and have hats, sun cream applied where needed. 

As always, I am contactable at all times! You are welcome to  email me on If it is anything urgent regarding day to day problems, please contact Mrs Carthy in the school office who will be happy to help.  

Mrs P 

This half term we are answering the question...



What has David Attenborough achieved in his lifetime?


david attenborough.jpg

As historians...

Sir David Frederick Attenborough  ( born 8 May 1926) is an English broadcaster and natural historian. He is best known for writing and presenting the nine natural history programmes, which are a comprehensive survey of animal and plant life on Earth. The history and geography programmes have a message to be shared to help our ever changing environment. The children will understand who Sir David Attenborough by looking at key moments in his life (as documented below). They will identify the ways that Sir David Attenborough is helping our planet and the goals he has for the future.

As writers...


Grandad's Camper is a wonderful book, full of hope and honest feelings...It celebrates love in all its forms, as Grandad tells his granddaughter about the adventures he used to have with Gramps. A long time ago, Grandad and Gramps spent many happy days travelling the world together in a camper van. But now Gramps isn't around any more, Grandad doesn't feel much like having adventures. As she listens to his wonderful stories, Grandad’s granddaughter has an idea to cheer him up. The children will have their own opportunity to retell their favourite memories with their own grandparents. 

As readers...



We will be looking at lots of contemporary stories, plays and poetry. We will also be having a 2 week whole - school focus on poetry depicting various emotions and feelings. Watch this space for more news! 





As scientists...

In Year 2, the children will continue to meet the following objectives, 

  • identify animal offspring and match animals babies to the adult animals. 
  • understand how animals change as they grow and explore the life cycles of a range of animals.
  • explore the human life cycle in detail and identify ways that children change as they grow older.
  • understand that all animals need three basic things for survival - air, water and food.
  • understand the importance of exercise. 

As mathematicians...

We OIP.jpgwill be learning about the units of measurement involved in length and height, before moving on to mass, capacity and temperature. 

Year 2: News items

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Year 2: Blog items

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Year 2: Gallery items

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Year 2: Calendar items

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Change For Life
Stonewall School champion
Green Tree School Gold Award
School Games Gold Award: 2017-2018
Arts Council England: Artsmark Award
Youth Sports Trust: Silver Quality Mark-2013/2014
Lottery Funded Logo

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Little Leigh Primary SchoolShutley Lane,
Little Leigh,


Little Leigh Primary School is proud to be part of the Create Learning Trust

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