Year 4 2023 - 2024

Miss Oldknow

Year 4 Teacher
PE and Design and Technology Lead


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Welcome to our final term in Year Four - Summer 2!

I hope that you have enjoyed a well rested break and are excited for our residential trip! We have lots of exciting things planned for our last half term together, including PettyPool, Sports day, Commando Joe's character building activities, Marbury Park visit, and lots more!


On this page you will find out all that you need to know about our class routines and all of the exciting things we are learning about!  I will keep you updated with our learning journey but don't forget to watch out for the fun and exciting things that we do on our twitter page @LittleLeighSch and our facebook page

I will be teaching in the classroom each day except from a Monday afternoon, when Mrs Tomlinson will be teaching the class.

This term, our PE session will be on a Monday and a Thursday. Please bring your child to school in their PE kits on both of these days.

As always, please feel free to approach me at pick up or drop off if you would like to discuss any issues surrounding your child’s learning or welfare or if I am unable to chat at this time, please don’t hesitate to send me an email at .

Here's to another exciting half term! 

Best wishes, Miss Oldknow and Miss Tomlinson


This half term, we will be asking the question:

Would the Vikings do anything for money?

In this unit, the children will learn about:

  • Who were the Vikings?
  • Why did the Vikings invade and travel to other countries?
  • What was life like for the Vikings?
  • How did the Vikings write?
  • Who were the Viking Gods?

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                   As Readers... 

We will be reading a selection of books about the Vikings. 

As well as our shared reading in school, it is important that you read regularly with your child as often as possible. Your child will have access to a book of their choice to read in school, as well as a book banded book. Our expectation is that you read with your child at least 3 times a week. During your time reading with your child at home, try to ask them questions relating to the characters and the events from the book. Try to encourage your child to make predictions based on what they have read so far.

I will be collecting reading diaries every Thursday to add up reading dojos.

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As Writers...

Our key text for this term is Arthur and the Golden Rope - by Joe Todd-Stanton. We will be working towards writing our own myth narrative and information guide.

arthur and the golden rope.jpg



As Mathematicians...


This term in Maths we will be focusing on these curriculum ares:

  • Time
  • Shape
  • Position and Direction
  • Statistics

In school we are working hard on our times tables in preparation for the Year 4 Multiplication test. The multiplication tables check will be taken over two days, Monday 10th and Tuesday11th June. 

Please use these next two weeks to squeeze in as much practice as possible, using TTRS and some of the resources below:

  • 'Hit the button' for quick fire questions
  •  Daily 10
  •  On Youtube there are lots of great songs, such as Mr DeMaio!
  •  Mathsframe MTC (This is a replica of the official government TT test).
  •  Free online worksheets -


As Scientists...

In science this term we will be learning all about 'living things and thier habitats'.

By the end of this unit, children will be able to:

• Talk about and describe range of habitats and their plants & animals (building on from Y2 work)

• Compare animals and plants

• Ask and answer yes/no questions

• Identify plants and animals using a classification key

• Group animals & plants in a variety of ways and give reasons

• Construct classification keys to help others to identify animals & plants

• Construct and interpret a variety of food chains, identifying producers, predators and prey

• Give examples of how an environment has changed due to human impact or natural phenomena

• Talk about actions they could take to protect our planet




Homework will be set each Friday and will be expecteted to be completed for the Following Friday.
Children are set the following homework in Year 4: 

Spellings are now sent home in a spelling practice book on a Friday with a suitable spelling activitiy for the children to complete.  They are expected to be returned on Wednesday so that new spellings can be set. 

Maths - For maths homework in Year 4, I would like the children to focus on their times tables in preparation for the MTC. The best way to use TTRS is 'little but often'. Have a look at our maths section above to explore some other resources that you can use.

I do check theTTRS accounts regularly and encourage the children to take responsibility to log on to complete their homework. 


The children will have PE on a Monday and Thursday. Children are to come into school in their PE kits for these days - please make sure this is suitable for all weather. 

Girls with long hair should tie it back and all jewellery, including earings, must be removed for P.E, or covered with tape (we cannot provide or apply this)




Outside of school, we ask that children are read with 4 times a week. They will have a book in school to read of their choice, and one at home to read with you. I cannot stress the importance of your child reading at home with you as much as possible. Even listening to an adult read has such a huge impact on children's development. I will be checking reading diaries every Thursday and catching up with your child about what they are currently reading.

Why is reading so important? | Pearson UK



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Change For Life
Stonewall School champion
Green Tree School Gold Award
School Games Gold Award: 2017-2018
Arts Council England: Artsmark Award
Youth Sports Trust: Silver Quality Mark-2013/2014
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Little Leigh Primary SchoolShutley Lane,
Little Leigh,


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